
Auto Safety Fraud & Concealment

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What is Auto Safety Fraud & Concealment?

Since 2016, the U.S. Department of Transportation, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), operates a whistleblower program that authorizes the government to pay rewards – of up to 30% – to auto industry insiders who expose auto safety issues and non-compliance with the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 that results in a penalty in excess of $1 million. Auto safety whistleblowers are also protected from retaliation by their employers.

At Mehri & Skalet, we have a deep understanding of the NHTSA whistleblower program’s requirements and protections. In fact, M&S Partner, Cleveland Lawrence III, testified before a congressional committee in 2015 about the importance of strengthening the program, months before the law creating the program was enacted.

Our Process

  • Submit your claim

    Reach out to us for a confidential, encrypted, and free conversation. We are here to listen and help you determine your next steps, no matter what they may be.

  • We get to work on your behalf

    Our team of seasoned attorneys will fight complex cases on your behalf with passion, creativity, and integrity every step of the way.

  • Results Achieved

    Our mission is to advance justice—and to achieve results. We are proud of our clients for being catalysts for change, and will work tirelessly to achieve the outcome we seek together.

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