Hearing the Call of 21st Century Student Athletes: Small Steps for the PAC-12, Big Steps for America

July 14, 2016

by M&S Staff


Given by Cyrus Mehri

May 6, 2016

Thank you, Ray Anderson, for the kind introductions and your exemplary leadership over the years, and special thanks to the PAC-12 Women’s Administrators for inviting and adding me to the program.

I. The PAC-12’s Unique Role in Leadership:

I am very excited to be here today. One reason is that when you look at the college-sports landscape, the PAC -12 stands out for its leadership. The PAC-12 leadership was on display today when we heard from a dozen highly articulate and thoughtful student athletes. As noted earlier, the PAC-12 is the first Division I conference that has student athletes attend its annual governing conference. Today, you reaped the benefits with robust dialogue in the prior session, led in no small measure by your student-athlete representatives…

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