Hearing the Call of 21st Century Student Athletes: Small Steps for the PAC-12, Big Steps for America
Given by Cyrus Mehri
May 6, 2016
Thank you, Ray Anderson, for the kind introductions and your exemplary leadership over the years, and special thanks to the PAC-12 Women’s Administrators for inviting and adding me to the program.
I. The PAC-12’s Unique Role in Leadership:
I am very excited to be here today. One reason is that when you look at the college-sports landscape, the PAC -12 stands out for its leadership. The PAC-12 leadership was on display today when we heard from a dozen highly articulate and thoughtful student athletes. As noted earlier, the PAC-12 is the first Division I conference that has student athletes attend its annual governing conference. Today, you reaped the benefits with robust dialogue in the prior session, led in no small measure by your student-athlete representatives…