Gender Discrimination: Your Rights and How to Begin Your Case
Despite progress towards gender equality, discrimination continues. Fortunately, federal and state laws prohibit certain types of gender discrimination in the workplace and hold those who violate these laws accountable. If you believe you have been discriminated against because of your gender, Washington, DC discrimination lawyers from Mehri & Skalet, who represent workers throughout the country, can help you pursue the available remedies.
What are some examples of gender discrimination?
Gender discrimination can exist in many forms. Some examples of conduct that may be considered gender discrimination in the workplace include:
Preferential treatment: If one gender is given priority or preference for things like hiring, raises, promotions, benefits, assignments, bonuses, etc., then it could be a form of gender discrimination.
Disparate impact: If the employer has a neutral policy that appears fair on its face, but the outcome of carrying out that policy negatively impacts women (or men), then that may be disparate impact discrimination. For example, if the employer uses a test to decide who is promoted and women disproportionately fail the test compared to men, then use of that test may be discrimination, especially if there is a less discriminatory alternative.
Sexual harassment: Actions that are abusive or harassing, including unwanted sexual advances, touching and intimidation, may be considered sexual harassment and a form of discrimination.
Pregnancy-related action: If your employer punishes you or treats you differently because of pregnancy or childbirth, then there may be remedies available.
Intersectionality and discrimination: We recognize the intersecting nature of our identities, such as gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion, disability, and sexual orientation, and that these categories create interrelated systems of discrimination. For example, women of color may face discrimination on the basis of gender and race, sometimes called “sex plus discrimination” by courts. If you experience workplace gender discrimination that is made worse by race discrimination, you may be able to legally challenge this.
Retaliation: If an employer retaliates against a person for exercising their rights to speak out against sex discrimination, this may violate the law.
What remedies are available?
If you have experienced gender discrimination, various legal remedies may be available, including:
Money damages
Injunctive relief
Lost wages
Legal fees
Changes to your employer’s policies and practices
How a discrimination lawyer can help
At Mehri & Skalet, we are Washington, DC discrimination lawyers who help women throughout the country. In our nationwide practice, we represent victims of gender discrimination in individual legal actions, class action lawsuits, and confidential settlement negotiations. Our attorneys have been fighting gender discrimination for years and have experience working for and with organizations like the National Women’s Law Center and the National Partnership for Women and Families.
If you have been subjected to gender discrimination, contact our team at Mehri & Skalet to schedule a consultation.