Consumer Protection

Food and Product Labeling

Have a case?

How can we fight for you?

A food labeling violation can be extremely dangerous for the consumer population. If a food product, or any other kind of product, is improperly labeled or dangerous, many individuals may suffer injuries such as food poisoning, toxicity, and other injuries. A warning defect involves a failure to warn public consumers of dangers or risks that are associated with a particular product, as well as general misinformation regarding the food product.

Whether it involves food, drugs, mechanical devices, certain plastics, or many other products, federal law requires product manufacturers and suppliers to provide consumers with an adequate warning of the dangers the product may pose, as well as accurate information about the overall product itself. When they fail to do so, we at M&S are prepared to stand with you to hold them accountable, and fight for the protection and justice you deserve as a consumer.

Our Process

  • Submit your claim

    Reach out to us for a confidential, encrypted, and free conversation. We are here to listen and help you determine your next steps, no matter what they may be.

  • We get to work on your behalf

    Our team of seasoned attorneys will fight complex cases on your behalf with passion, creativity, and integrity every step of the way.

  • Results Achieved

    Our mission is to advance justice—and to achieve results. We are proud of our clients for being catalysts for change, and will work tirelessly to achieve the outcome we seek together.

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